How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks?

Preventing Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks have increased magnanimously in number over the last few years with various individuals and businesses frantically searching for means of circumventing the same. Malicious cybercriminals are using advanced tools to target small businesses.

The internet attacks are launched on a particular employee who is sent an email consisting of malicious attachments which hacks into the system if the email link is clicked by any chance. Today we are going to share some tips through which businesses can impose cyber attack protection while strengthening their security meter.

Tips For Preventing Business With Cyber Attacks

Internet Attack Protection

1. Limit Employee Access

The chances of human error get minimized once businesses limit access to the company’s valuable data. The employees should ideally have access to specific information and system resources that are required for their particular job.

Giving them comprehensive access can add to the level of your data vulnerability. The level of risk gets further accentuated if the employee shares your sensitive company information like account credentials and passwords of all systems with a rival company.

2. Data Encryption

Every working framework offers users with a choice of encrypting the information. Businesses should encrypt the majority of the data stored in the hard drive so that it comes off as pointless to unauthorized users. A copy of the encryption password or key needs to be saved in a separate location.

Email recipients usually require the same encryption capability for decryption. However, you should refrain from sending the key or password in the same email as that of the encrypted document. Rather you should send it over through phone.

3. High Strength Password

The risk factor of businesses increases using a weak password. In this case, the probabilities of an internet attack fortify. Organizations can prevent this by imparting the right set of training to their employees. It becomes almost impossible for cybercriminals to break into password security if you use a combination of upper- and lower-case letters along with special characters.

Business houses can buffer themselves from cyber attack protection by availing of two-factor authentication. This can be done by adding the email address or phone number so that a security code is sent whenever someone tries signing in. According to the terms of Microsoft, you should refrain from using a password having successions of numbers or characters, as well as, any personal information like birthdate.

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4. Set Up Email & Web Filters

A popular means of preventing cyber attacks is to use a web browser and email filters as that prevents spam mails from filling up your employee inboxes. Different ‘blacklist’ services can also be downloaded for blocking users from visiting risky websites filled with malware.

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You can also caution your employees about these online threats and discuss the implications of visiting websites like social media platforms and pornographic sites which present substantial cybersecurity threats.

5. Dispose Off Media & Old Computers

You should make it a point remove all valuable hard drive information before trashing or donating old computers. This holds true for both personal and sensitive business data stored in flash drives, old CDs and other old media. Next you need to physically destroy these items or place them in an incinerator or crosscut shredder.

6. Bank On A Good Antivirus

One of the biggest threats faced by both serves and computers is virus which holds the power to take down the immunity meter drastically while making it vulnerable to outside threats. You need to install a reliable antivirus software in your system and conduct routine scans. The software also needs to updated on a regular basis so that you have the backing of the latest developments.

7. Firewall

Firewall Protection

You can think of the Firewall to be a building serving as a safeguard for your computer. Preventing cyber attacks becomes easier with a firewall installed in your system which offers a tough fight to cybercriminals. A firewall controls web traffic coming both in and out of your business and are increasingly being used by the modern business fraternity.

You should install firewall systems on every smartphone, computer, and networked device. Fullz House, a credit card skimming group recently compromised the website of Boom, a mobile virtual network operator of the US. The website was injected with a credit card stealer script which stole personal info and payment submitted by the customers of the website.

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8. Regular OS Updates

The main aim of all OS developers is to secure the user information with the highest level of protection. This is why renowned companies like Microsoft, Google and Apple strive to excel the security standards set by their previous products.

Advancement in technology is also offering the hackers new and improved means of breaking into your device and office network. You can also pull up your security meter by updating your device at a regular interval.

9. Appointing A Security Expert

A popular means of cyber attack protection is availing the services of a security expert. With vast technical know-how, they are in the best position to cover all inadequacies of the system. The security expert will conduct routine checks of the system and search for probable loopholes to mitigate the same.

The chances of errors increase coupled with the increasing size of the business and the security expert can diminish all chances of system damages by utilizing their skill-set.

10. Intrusion Detection Tool

A good intrusion detection tool will send immediate notifications following a system breach. You just need to educate your employees about staying alert for signs of intrusion. Mostly the Intrusion Detection Tools can access the signature files which are generated by a user community or vendors.

However, you might be required to update them regularly about illegitimate or threatening network behavior. Otherwise, the IDS will not be able to pinpoint exploits which have not been identified yet in a signature.


Internet has brough along an array of advantages while adding to the level of inherent risks. Businesses are being threated by an increasing number of internet attacks.

However, preventing cyber attacks becomes a reality coupled with the tips mentioned above. Security investments are significant in the 21st century. You can also make your business immune to all attack possibilities by employing these expert-approved tips.


1. What are the router best practices to prevent internet attacks?

– Change the admin password after connecting new devices to the network.
– Use WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA-2), along with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
– Wired-Equivalent Privacy or WEP should be avoided at all costs.

2. How to improve your cyber security team?

For preventing cyber attacks, you need to have a strong set of policies in place and keep your team well versed in the latest developments. The employees should also be advised to watch each other’s back so that they become an extension of your company’s security team.

3. Name some common forms of cyber-attacks?

– Phishing
– Malware
– Denial of service
– Ransomware
– Cryptojacking
– Man in the middle
– Zero-day exploits and
– SQL injection

Author: Answer Watcher

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